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In today’s world, when almost all borders have been blurred, it is very difficult to imagine life without such a means of transportation as an airplane. Flying by plane not only reduces the time to cover a certain distance but also allows you to do it in comfort. It’s worth saying that this means of transport is much higher than other ones. However, this has undeniable benefits like speed and comfort. 

The cost of several individual planes reaches seemingly unrealistic amounts. When it comes to private jets, the imagination and capabilities of the developers are taken to a new level. Some planes look like mini-residences and impress with their wealth and elegance, and some surprise with their simplicity and design. Let’s see what kind of jets these are, and who owns them.  

most expensive jets

The most expensive and luxurious private jets

The top 10 private jets that exist in our modern world have a price range of $50 million or more. And the most expensive aircraft in the world is not a traveling jet but a military aircraft, the cost of which reaches 2 billion dollars.

The cost of all private jets is influenced by the size, interior design, and technical equipment. World-known public figures purchase the most expensive private jets. For these people, buying a private jet is first and foremost about ensuring a comfortable flight experience.

Gulfstream V

This plane is deservedly ranked among the most expensive private jets on the market. Worldwide, there are 191 such aircraft, and one of them is owned by the great actor Jim Carrey. According to the actor, he needs the plane for business trips, but in luxurious conditions. Although the plane is small and can only hold 16 persons, it is considered one of the fastest. The best private jet is priced at about $59 million.

If you want to feel like Jim Carrey, one of the Gulfstream models at Charter Jets, Inc. is the way to go. You will get the opportunity to experience what it is like to be a world-class celebrity.

Boeing 757

As soon as you see the exterior of this plane, you will know exactly who it belongs to. Former U.S. President Donald Trump purchased one of the most expensive private planes in the world for himself and his family. Even when buying the plane, the businessman paid about 100 million to be able to fly for business meetings and vacations.

Originally, the plane was supposed to hold about 230 passengers, but for his private jet, the former president decided to change the design completely. His plane now carries up to 23 people on board.

Mr Trump loves luxury, so his plane matches his tastes. For example, the buckles on the seat belts are gold-plated. The bathrooms are also gilded washbasins, although someone said they were made entirely of gold but Donald Trump denied this information. In addition, there are several bedrooms on board so passengers can have a nice rest or watch a home theater. 

Boeing 757-8I VIP

The names of this private jet and the previous one are very similar. But this private jet is more expensive by about $50 million. It belongs to a pretty famous Asian zillionaire Joseph Lau.

The main feature of this jet is that it has two floors. This decision makes the plane about twice bigger than its original size. Do you think this is the only reason why this plane made it into our top 10 private jets? No, because it boasts other attractive things.

For example, the plane has a wine cellar with over 10,000 bottles of wine on board. Or a businessman can boast of a portrait of Mao Zedong, which is valued at $17.5 million and is on board the plane.

most expensive private planes

Boeing 747

This one of the most expensive jets has long been discussed in the media. The fact is that the Boeing 747 purchased in 2002 was dishonestly acquired.

In 2002, the King of Swaziland decided to purchase this private jet for $170 million. Mswati III, who still possesses the title, decided that he could take half the cost of the plane from the state treasury. The problem was complicated by the fact that Swaziland was in an economic crisis at that time. The people had to live on only $2 each day, and of course, they do not like the idea of purchasing such an expensive plane.

The people were very angry, they started leading protests, and it almost turned into a revolution.

Boeing 747-400

This plane is valued at about $220 million. The owner of this luxury jet is a Saudi prince. Initially, when the aircraft was only designed, its size was estimated at 400 people who could be transported at one time. But the prince decided otherwise, and one of the most expensive jets was re-equipped specifically for the prince. 

Such a large number of seats allowed the cabin of the plane to arrange several bedrooms, bathrooms, recreational facilities, and work area. But this plane isn’t the only one the prince has. We will come back to it again and describe the most expensive jet plane that the prince owns.

Boeing 747-430

This plane was originally acquired for $100 million. The buyer, however, opted to alter the jet and put another $130 million into it, bringing the total price to $230 million.

Although, according to unconfirmed reports, the owner of this plane invested even more money in it, and now, the plane’s value reaches $1 billion. But whether this is true or not, no one knows.

The buyer of the luxury airliner is the Sultan of Brunei. This man’s fortune is estimated at $40 billion, and he has two more airliners in his fleet. Hassanal Bolkiah decided to design his liner in a strictly oriental style. On board, there is a bedroom, a living room, and a bathroom, and everything is done with elements of gilding.

Airbus A340-300

This large plane is quite recognizable anywhere in the world. The fact is that, like Donald Trump’s plane, this airliner bears a large Bourkhan inscription. What does it mean, and why is it written on the plane?

This plane was purchased by a rather famous person among people from the Russian Federation. Alisher Usmanov is a billionaire in his country and ranks fifth on the Forbes list of Russia. When he purchased this airliner, he decided to put a big Bourkhan inscription on it. Bourkhan is his father’s name, and the plane was named after him. He named the boat after his mother, so he paid tribute to his parents.

$350 million, that’s how much Alisher bought the plane. Additionally, he invested some more money to make the interior the best it could be. The bedroom, recreation room, living room, and washroom on board were tastily furnished.

most expensive jet plane

Boeing 747-200В

Another private jet is worth up to $375 million. This is not just one jet from the top 10 private jets, it’s a whole sanctuary. The fact is that in addition to the exquisite interior that is on board, the airliner is equipped with missile defense, electromagnetic protection for defense in case of a nuclear attack, and anti-electronics equipment. And such a wonderful plane was designed for George W. Bush, who was US president from 2001 to 2009.

The plane is quite imposing in size, so it can’t stop at every airport. But the plane can fly 12.5 thousand kilometers before refueling.

Boeing 767

If you saw this plane at the airport, you probably wouldn’t think it was the most expensive plane. It has a modest appearance on the outside that doesn’t really attract attention. But once you step inside, you’ll understand why this plane has such a significant value. $500 million, that’s the price this airliner has.

Inside, the interior is done in a luxurious style. The furniture is made of mahogany and ebony, many other elements are made of gold of the highest standard. The plane is even equipped with an anti-missile system.

Like most other private jets, it has a bedchamber, bathroom, chill-out zone, and assembly space. All this belongs to the zillionaire Abramovich Roman. 

Airbus A380 Custom

And finally, the last and most expensive jet plane, worth more than $500 million. It belongs to a Saudi prince.

It is not only the most lavish and pricey airliner but also the highest functioning because it has everything you need to live fully. The two-story aircraft has about 5 bedchambers with bathrooms, 20 passenger rooms, a dining area, a chill-out zone, and an assembly space. And there are places you’re unlikely to see on other planes:

  • carpool, spa complex, hammam, bar, gym with exercise equipment, dance floor, prayer room, hawk room, and stables. 

Surprised? That isn’t the full list of what is included in the world’s most costly private plane.


Can I fly as comfortably as millionaires?

Yes, Charter Jets, Inc. Inc will make you feel as comfortable as possible.

Can I book a flight in any direction?

For the most part, yes, but you need to book in advance. Charter Jets, Inc. will help you find a plane that suits your tastes and is appropriate for your destination.

How much does it cost to book a private jet?

It depends on many factors. You can estimate the cost of your trip yourself or contact us and we will help you calculate the cost of your trip.